Beginnings: Sponte Sua Gym" (SSG) which in Latin means: "Self Impulse or Motivation” started in March 2000 at F.A.S.T.A. College (Fraternidad de Agrupaciones Santo Thomas de Aquino) sport hall in San Martin de los Andes, Patagonia Argentina. SSG was founded by Mrs Valeria Hoppichler, a BPE-Physical Education Teacher and Sport Coach specializing in gymnastics and skiing. SSG has offered since its beginnings, classes for children from 3 years old to adults, with recreational, advance and squads levels, competing at Argentinean national levels.
The gym centre was so successful that Val created and coordinated an annual event called "Festival de los Lagos" gymnastics, dance and art Gala, inviting and hostess other regional Sports Centre and Clubs. The first Gala hosted more than 200 performers and around 950 spectators.
SSG also hosted the Regional Gymnastics Competitions, to select the best gymnasts for the national competitions.
London UK: Sponte Sua Gym London Gymnastics & Sport Centre opened in September 2012 with continued success. Starting the first term with 8 children, it has currently more than 600 children, training at our venues or through the schools, from recreational to squad levels.
SSG is member from London Gymnastics and attend competitions from 2013.

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